Kelly Stewart
UKCP Psychotherapist
in Edinburgh
How to choose a therapist?
Once you've decided to take the plunge and find a therapist, how do you choose? I would encourage you to think about three things:
1. Location
Where would be most convenient for you? Close to home? Or work? Under 'Contact' you can find details of where I work.
2. Investment
This is important to think about. Not just what you’d ideally like to pay. But how much you'd be able to stretch to for the right person. How much are you able or willing to invest in yourself? I believe that counselling and psychotherapy can be a valuable investment. You can find details of my fees under 'Contact.'
3. Qualifications
It's good to look out for an affiliation with a trusted association like the BACP or UKCP to ensure you're working with someone who is suitably qualified – a trained professional.
Don't be shy about 'shopping around.' It's important that you're happy with your chosen therapist so it's worth meeting two or three people. See if there's chemistry between you. If not, try someone else.